
Danos Wins Shell Production Contract
Danos has been awarded a contract with Shell Exploration and Production Company, a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc, to provide a production workforce across Shell production assets in the Gulf of Mexico, including Appomattox, Auger, Enchilada, Salsa, Mars, Ursa, Olympus, Perdido and Stones.
The three-year contract began on May 1 and will employ 144 Danos personnel in a variety of positions including: crane operations, control room and process operators, electricians, electronic technicians, instrument technicians, logistics and onsite supervisors.
“Danos and Shell have partnered since 1971, and we are proud to continue that relationship,” said owner Eric Danos. “With a 73-year history, Danos has lived through many industry cycles. In today’s market, we understand the need to find innovative ways to provide services to our customers, and this contract is an example of that.”